Τετάρτη 11 Σεπτεμβρίου 2019


You can always delete a photo. From Facebook, Instagram, your camera or your phone. And it will be gone from your eyes forever. Maybe there will be some copy left in someone else's computer, who downloaded this photo and you will recover it.

What you can't delete is the memory of the event that was in the photo. Time will erode the memory. But memory will always be there, even distorted. A memory is another spacetime.

The exact time that the memory took place will be forgotten very quick. That's why fairytales begins with "Once upon a time...". A memory is a fairytale. Not easy to remember an exact date you were somewhere, unless if it was a special day. And even this will be probably forgotten, eventually.

The exact place of the memory will always be there, even if it is nuclear bombed. It will change though. You might have spent hours in your favourite record store when you were a kid or teenager, discovering music. The record store is now a clothes store. You still pass outside and the name of the record store comes in your mind. You might remember by appearance some of the people working there. You'll remember the first time you went there, probably with your best friend at the time. You remember your best friend that you have no news from for ages. You might remember funny or weird stories while being there. Or you will be transferred to another memory spacetime, connected with your best friend at the time and wonder where is he now. If the place has not changed, you will have a clear memory. You will remember exactly where you standed, what you did, who you were with, the noises around you, the weather conditions.

A sharing memory is more complicated. It is more than you, that shared the specific timespace. That makes a memory complicated. You will always remember the first time you went somewhere with someone. You will remember this someone no matter how many years will pass or how many years you haven't seen this person. A small trigger will remind you of this person. There are at least two different observations of this memory. That's why you say you had great time somewhere, but the person shared the memory says opposite. This spacetime memory maybe seems ideal to you, but not for everyone. We are all different. A cool place for you, can be seen horrible for someone else.

What triggers a memory is a place, a photo, a song, an object or a person. It could be a combination of all these. You have connected a song to a person. Every time I listen to "Ruby baby" can´t help myself remembering Ruby, the girl from Philippines that I worked with and I was singing her this song every time I seen her. I know she is good and happy somewhere in London, but I have no connections with her for years. All my ex girlfriends are connected with a song. "The loom of the land" is the most recent. I hope she is happy. Women I had a crush on are connected with the song. It's funny how the music of a game that I played on my phone is connected with Maria. I used to chat with her while playing the game. I know she is happy in a place in Europe. Friends that died, are connected with a song. The last time I met Stavros, he was holding the soundtrack of Pulp Fiction that had just bought on vinyl. I hope he made a good listen to it. 

The more observative you are, the more detailed memories you'll create. So look around you at all times. Your memories will make you want to create more memories. There will be always a memory to be, a memory that never happened but maybe you'll have the chance to create it. Go for it. And do it with your loved ones. Memories are those that connect us with our best friend, our significant one, our family. Create memories with those you love. Everyday. Or you will end up with the memory of the person you loved, only.

Memories are part of you. Memories is you. Memories is your little blot in this world. Most of your memories will die with you. Part of your memories will die later when those lived with you, die as well. Your memories will die totally when those who heard your memories as stories from someone else, die. And your blot will be only beraucracy paperwork in some envelopes filled with dust or in a old computer hard drive. Your blot will be old photos and personal belongings that will pass to other hands or end up in a landfill.  

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